Researching the cures


Pancreatic Cancer Research

Our mission is to defeat pancreatic cancer by funding and promoting innovative, world-class research into the disease - research that will lead to the development of more effective detection, diagnosis and treatment.

Funding pancreatic cancer research

Our mission is to defeat pancreatic cancer by funding and promoting innovative, world-class research into the disease – research that will lead to the development of more effective detection, diagnosis and treatment.

We directly fund research by offering grants to researchers in universities, research institutes and hospitals in the UK and Ireland. We also encourage the major research funding organisations and the research community to give pancreatic cancer greater attention.

So far, we have funded almost £20 million of research to defeat pancreatic cancer, including over £2 million committed to the launch of the Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund Tissue Bank.

We support cutting-edge projects in universities, hospitals and research institutions in the UK and Republic of Ireland. To ensure that we fund only the very best research, every grant application is assessed by experts in the field – a process called peer review, overseen by our Scientific Advisory Panel.

 Our supporters can be assured that every pound spent on research is peer reviewed to world-class standards.


Our research

Our research is focused on four key areas: understanding the biology of pancreatic cancer; diagnostics and imaging; developing new treatments; and improving current treatments.

Help fund research into pancreatic cancer

All our work is funded purely through donations and fundraising by our supporters

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