Researching the cures




Cancer facts and figures

...mortality from some of the most common cancers between 2016 and 2018 (based on statistics provided by Cancer Research UK). Some cancers, like breast and prostate, have a high number...

Azeem Saleem Research Project

Dr Azeem Saleem

...novel drugs that target these mechanisms are being discovered. However, it takes several years before a drug is available for clinical use and with a high attrition rate, only a...

Victoria Lloyd cuts her hair for PCRF and the Princess Trust News

Victoria’s double donation in tribute to Grandad

...also organised a bake sale at Sir Isaac Newton Sixth Form college and organised a Teachers Vs Teachers fundraising netball match in May at Aylsham High School, before she left...


£1M for five projects starting in 2023 attack cancer cells as soon as they are detected. Dr Litchfield aims to develop a blood test which measures three different aspects of our body’s immune response to early...

lucille carter tea boxes News

Bake & Share campaign delivered!

But when the pandemic enforced strict restrictions on social gatherings, Lucille and her friends hit on a wonderful alternative – offering to hand-deliver ‘afternoon tea boxes’, packed with tasty treats...