Researching the cures




Research Strategy

...research supported PCRF’s primary research focus is basic and translational research: Basic research (that done in a laboratory) is essential to understanding a particular cancer type, and that understanding becomes...


Tissue Bank patient and public engagement event

...and communications about the Tissue Bank are appropriate, timely and clear. Attendees gave feedback and opinion on the clarity of consent forms, and the timing of approaches for consent. The...

Pat Bennett, painting a fence in her garden News

Josie’s JOGLE for Nanny Pat

...once I’ve finished, and reminisce about holidays we had here with Nanny Pat. I have a fond memory of being with her at Land’s End and her telling me that...


Marli turns trash into cash for PCRF

...keyrings altogether and sold them for £1, but everyone was really nice and paid more than that for them, and other people didn’t take a keyring but gave us some...

Joshua Taylor News

Joshua’s ‘Comraich goods box’ proves a big hit

...flags to attract attention. They sold out really quickly, especially after I advertised my stall on Facebook. “There’s also an awful lot of tourists at the moment visiting and camping...