Researching the cures




Jack takes on the HK360 swim for his mum

...the water more acidic and can make swimmers poorly. Jack Alexander and swim team colleague, Andrey Gromak The full team comprises: Jack; Andrey Gromak (Managing Director, CVC, Hong Kong), Sally...


Nicola publishes poetry collection to honour her mum verse poems, beautifully capturing different stages and aspects of loss and grief, but also unexpected moments of joy, solace and comfort. One of the poems ‘Shapeshifter’ is dedicated to...


Jessica, 10, ‘swims the Channel’ for her Grampfy

...sense of community, values and citizenship and requires completing and evidencing several activities, including physical and skills challenges, plus community and charitable support. Jessica had already been working towards her...

Top Trumps card for Josh Cleaver News

‘Futhead’ Josh scoring for PCRF

...a family business, and losing Christina hit us all very hard. Christina’s son, Alex, a fellow Futhead, is raising money for the hospice that supported his family. “I’d read about...


Diggle FC Juniors step up for PCRF

...close to our family’s hearts and did it so professionally and with such enthusiasm. As a team they’ve played together for a couple of years now and while we don’t...


Bowled over by Purity’s support

...event with up to 80 people joining together for a barbecue, drinks and to celebrate the success of the business as it has grown from two guys and a dog...


Boyan’s Chiltern Challenge for PCRF

...that it was as accessible and inclusive as possible for anyone who wants to join me,” he explains, “and my wife Jessica will be ferrying various friends to designated pick...