Researching the cures



Professor John Marshall Research Project

Professor John Marshall

Project Title: Does cancer cell integrin αvβ8 promote pancreatic adenocarcinoma and represent a novel therapeutic target Project Aims: Prof Marshall has identified a molecule called alpha-v-beta-8 (avb8) which sits on...


Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund Tissue Bank – FAQs

...cancer is a highly complex disease and research has shown that there are many different genes, proteins and cellular processes that are associated with its growth and spread. Researchers around...


Kirsty packs a punch for PCRF

...her husband Simon, and their children Molly (18) and Bailey (13), who are all excited and a little nervous for her, and who will be ringside on the night. “They’ve...

Dr Richard Clarkson Research Project

Dr Richard Clarkson

Project title: Unlocking oncogene dependent cell death in pancreatic tumours Project aims: Normal cells are programmed to die if they become damaged or diseased in a process called apoptosis, but...

Sarah McClelland Research Project

Dr Sarah McClelland

...– being deleted or rearranged during cell division. This instability makes tumours hard to treat, but the reasons for this are poorly understood. Dr McClelland will investigate and analyse the...

Research Project

Professor Yaohe Wang

...using the latest knowledge to design a new virotherapy that targets pancreatic cancer’s multiple resistance mechanisms at the same time, to both kill the cells and prevent them from returning....