Researching the cures



Michael Schmid Research Project

Dr Michael Schmid

...the chain of events leading to cancer spread, since only a small proportion of these cancer cells are able to successfully grow at distant sites. This new project aims to...

Nick Lemoine Research Project

Professor Nick Lemoine

...and his team have identified a specific gene that is found in the very aggressive form of pancreatic cancer, leading them to believe its presence is associated with a poorer...

Professor Alex Breeze Research Project

Professor Alex Breeze

  Project Title: Allosteric inhibitors of the Ras-activating exchange factor SOS Project Aims: The aim of this project is to develop new compounds to block a vicious cycle of signals...

Patricia Sancho Research Project

Dr Patricia Sancho

...and continue growing over time by switching to an alternative energy source. Dr Sancho will investigate more powerful drugs or combined treatments to attack the two main energy sources at...

Professor Lindy Durrant Research Project

Professor Lindy Durrant

...and engineering antibodies that bind to them, stimulating an immune response against the tumour. To date, Professor Durrant and her team have engineered five novel antibodies that are specific to...


Get Involved raise money. That can be as simple as a coffee morning or a bake sale or – if you’re feeling very adventurous – shaving your head! All the work...


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Treatment options The most common type of operation is called a Whipple procedure. Other treatment options will include chemotherapy and radiotherapy. For more information about pancreatic cancer and treatment, you can...

Claus_Jorgensen Research Project

Dr Claus Jorgensen

Project Title: Targeting enzymes for stromal normalisation in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma Project Aims: Pancreatic tumours have a thick protective coating called the stroma, which contains certain types of cells hijacked...