Researching the cures



Eithne Costello Research Project

Dr Eithne Costello

Project Title: Preclinical evaluation of Nrf2 inhibition as a means to improve chemotherapeutic efficacy in patients with pancreatic cancer Project Aims: Dr Costello and her colleagues aim to unravel how...


Treatment options The most common type of operation is called a Whipple procedure. Other treatment options will include chemotherapy and radiotherapy. For more information about pancreatic cancer and treatment, you can...

Claus_Jorgensen Research Project

Dr Claus Jorgensen

Project Title: Targeting enzymes for stromal normalisation in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma Project Aims: Pancreatic tumours have a thick protective coating called the stroma, which contains certain types of cells hijacked...

Dr Jason Bruce Research Project

Dr Jason Bruce

...that help them survive and grow. This source of energy is specifically used to pump calcium out of the cell – a crucial function, as high levels of calcium are...

Stephanie Kermorgant Research Project

Dr Stephanie Kermorgant

Project Title: Understanding and targeting c-Met endosomal signalling in pancreatic cancer Project Aims: A molecule known as c-Met is believed to help trigger pancreatic cancer to spread, but current drugs...

Research Project

Professor John Marshall

...and will test two different types of drugs that he has been developing to stop αvβ6 working, and determine when and how best they could potentially be used for patients....

Patricia Sancho Research Project

Dr Patricia Sancho

Project Title: Targeting mitochondrial metabolism as the Achilles heel of cancer stem cells Project Aims: Dr Sancho will focus on cancer stem cells, which live within tumours and drive the...

Dr Claire Wells Research Project

Dr Claire Wells

Project Title: Validation of the PAK4:PI3K nexus as a therapeutic target in pancreatic cancer Project Aims: Dr Wells will investigate the interaction between two proteins called PAK4 and p85, which...


Get Involved raise money. That can be as simple as a coffee morning or a bake sale or – if you’re feeling very adventurous – shaving your head! All the work...