Researching the cures



Professor Yaohe Wang Research Project

Professor Yaohe Wang

Project Title: Identification and characterisation of neoantigens of pancreatic cancer patients for development of a personalised T cell receptor-based adoptive T cell transfer therapy Project Aims: Prof Wang has analysed...

Kairbann Hodivala-Dilke Research Project

Professor Kairbaan Hodivala-Dilke option, before the cancer has already spread to other organs such as the liver. While surgery prior to chemotherapy can greatly enhance patients’ chance of survival, for around 70...

Professor Peter Friend Research Project

Professor Peter Friend

...and improving pain control with minimal side effects. HIFU has not previously been used in the UK and the study will collect evidence about its feasibility, safety and benefit to...

Research Project

Dr Naomi Walsh

Dr Walsh aims to design chemotherapy drugs that will target and kill types of cancer stem cells within pancreatic tumours that are responsible for drug resistance and relapse....

Dr Mairead McNamara Research Project

Dr Mairead McNamara

Project Title: A study to assess the feasibility of evaluating BRCAness in plasma and tumour samples from patients with advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma Project Aims: Some pancreatic tumours removed from patients...

Research Project

Professor Peter McCormick

...germs or bacteria that could cause disease. Histamine causes the localised itch after a nettle sting and other allergic reactions such as hay fever. These reactions can be calmed with...

Eithne Costello Research Project

Dr Eithne Costello

Project Title: Involvement of microRNAs in the activation of cancer-associated pancreatic stellate cells Project Aims: Pancreatic tumours are helped in their growth and spread by star shaped cells called pancreatic...

Professor John Marshall Research Project

Professor John Marshall

...tests, he also found antibodies to stop avb6 from working properly and this prevented them from moving, invading and growing. Building on that research, this new project aims to progress...

Heather Lawson with her medals News

Heather takes on 50 at 50 in 2020

...and has over 20 more planned, including 24 hours on a treadmill, an abseil and a world record attempt on an indoor training bicycle. 2020 also includes two of her...

Bart Cornelissen Research Project

Dr Bart Cornellisen

Project title: PARP molecular imaging in pancreatic cancer (PARP-PET in PDAC) Project aims: Dr Cornelissen has attached a radioactive atom to a chemotherapy drug and will test whether PET scanners...