Researching the cures



Research Project

Professor Alan Parker

Project title: Establishing “organoid hospitals” as preclinical models to evaluate precision virotherapies Project aims: ‘Oncolytic viruses’ are viruses that are engineered to hunt out, infect and kill cancer cells and...

Research Project

Professor Michael Schmid

...are naturally primed to detect and kill cancer cells, but when a tumour starts to form in the liver, this ability is suppressed, allowing cancer cells to grow and form...

Professor Yaohe Wang Research Project

Professor Yaohe Wang

Project Title: Identification and characterisation of neoantigens of pancreatic cancer patients for development of a personalised T cell receptor-based adoptive T cell transfer therapy Project Aims: Prof Wang has analysed...

Professor Yaohe Wang Research Project

Dr Yaohe Wang

Project Title: Development of a Novel Therapy for Pancreatic Cancer using Lister Strain Vaccinia Virus Armed with a Hypoxia-Regulated Immunostimulatory Gene, Interleukin-12 Project Aims: The aim is to engineer the...

Professor Peter Friend Research Project

Professor Peter Friend

...and improving pain control with minimal side effects. HIFU has not previously been used in the UK and the study will collect evidence about its feasibility, safety and benefit to...

Marco Falasca Research Project

Professor Marco Falasca

...for diagnostic tests and targets for new, more active drugs. A family of molecules called ‘ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters’ are already known to be important for chemotherapy resistance in a...

Research Project

Professor Peter McCormick

...germs or bacteria that could cause disease. Histamine causes the localised itch after a nettle sting and other allergic reactions such as hay fever. These reactions can be calmed with...


About Pancreatic Cancer

...are 56,000. In the UK, around 10,000 people are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer each year, split roughly equally between men and women. Figures from World Cancer Research Fun d and...

Research Project

Dr Jun Ishihara

Project title: Personalised interleukin-12 therapy for pancreatic adenocarcinoma without toxicity through protease-sensitive masking and tumour targeting Project aims: Immunotherapies which harness the body’s natural defences to fight cancer do not...