Researching the cures



Fieke Froeling Research Project

Dr Fieke Froeling

Project Title: Novel strategies for pancreatic cancer treatment: an epigenetic approach Project Aims: Dr Froeling‘s project will focus on ‘epigenetics’ – changes in DNA that can switch genes on and...

MRI machine Page

Diagnostics and imaging

...pancreatic cancer, finding biomarkers to detect the disease in urine or blood and new imaging techniques both for diagnosis and monitoring the effectiveness of treatments. UroPanc: validating a test for...

Stephen Neidle Research Project

Professor Stephen Neidle

...shrank significantly in size. In a new study funded by PCRF, Prof. Neidle and his team aim to optimise this potential drug to be as active and efficient as possible...

Marco Falasca Research Project

Professor Marco Falasca

...role of a specific PI3K isoform p110 gamma in pancreatic cancer. Our hypothesis is that p110gamma overexpression is a frequent and early event in pancreatic cancer progression and could therefore...

Martin Clynes Research Project

Professor Martin Clynes

Project title: Investigation of miRNAs in human pancreatic cancer: functional role and potential therapeutic and diagnostic applications Project aims: Every cell in our bodies contain thousands of proteins whose job...

Claire Wells Research Project

Dr Claire Wells GTPases; Rho, Rac, and Cdc42. There is considerable evidence that Rac/Cdc42interacting proteins, the p-21 activated kinase family (PAK1-6), may play a key role in cell migration and regulation of...

Professor Hemant Kocher Research Project

Professor Hemant Kocher

...the medium to long term (5-10 years) to abrogate the abnormal FGF signalling. Thus if we can modify these local hormones to affect cancer growth and allow anti-cancer agents to...

Caroline Manchester Research Project

Professor Caroline Dive

Project Title: Development of blood-borne biomarkers for improving treatment selection for pancreatic cancer patients Project Aims: Professor Dive and her team will analyse stray tumour cells that circulate in the...

Eithne Costello Research Project

Dr Eithne Costello

Project Title: Involvement of microRNAs in the activation of cancer-associated pancreatic stellate cells Project Aims: Pancreatic tumours are helped in their growth and spread by star shaped cells called pancreatic...

Amber Rowland and Edward Dudley completed the 10k South Downs Walk News

Fantastic young fundraisers, Amber and Edward

...walk next year, although her mum Andy says Amber hasn’t grasped the actual distance involved! Edward defied all expectations and walked the whole way without being carried, bravely pushing through...