Researching the cures




Privacy information notice

...about you, as follows: You have a right to access the information we hold about you free-of-charge, together with various information about why and how we are using your information,...


UroPanc Study – your questions answered

...Royal London Hospital. These patients will undergo the standard investigations, scans and tests. In addition, they will have a urine sample collected for testing, and the results will ultimately be...


PCRF scale back – your questions answered

...academic and clinical research, Pancreatic Cancer UK has an excellent and comprehensive infrastructure in place, including an expert scientific advisory panel and a dedicated research management team. Pancreatic Cancer UK’s...


West Highland Way adventure for Colin and George I don’t want to lose my fitness levels, and I’ve had to buy some smaller clothes and adjust my belt a few notches!” Colin’s online giving page:  ...


Celebrating a new milestone at the PCRF Tissue Bank

...samples so important for pancreatic cancer research? At the Royal London Hospital, patient tissue is frozen through a snap freezing technique. Blood samples, on the other hand, are centrifuged and...